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The activity ideas given on this page are general in nature and are not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please supervise your child during all activities and use parental discretion to assess whether it suits your child.

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Woolworths Dominoes are taking over my house!


Anybody's house taken over with Woolworths Dominoes or is it only me? Anyway we have found a fun fine motor game to play with all of our spare dominoes.

"Post the Domino" - great for little ones as they are a good size and great for older ones fine motor speed (see how fast they can fill the container). They also make a great sound when dropped in tins.

Dominoes are also great for your child's fine motor coordination when trying to stand them up, and thinking skills when actually playing as a real game! Anybody have any other fun ideas of what to do with my box of doubles?

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