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The activity ideas given on this page are general in nature and are not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please supervise your child during all activities and use parental discretion to assess whether it suits your child.

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Birthday Gift Idea


Fine motor skills can be encouraged and developed through many easy made activities or routine activities around the home. For example pegs, cooking, etc.

But birthdays are a great time to invest in some toys and games that may also develop these skills.

One of my favourites is Kerplunk. It helps develop pincer strength and you can modify the game to use hand manipulation skills with the marbles. This is where children move items from their palm to pincer grasp.

If you are looking for ideas for birthdays to develop your child's fine motor skills, CLICK HERE FOR A FREE DOWNLOAD.

This is not a sponsored post or ideas list, just toys I have found or thought would be beneficial.

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